Quick Card Kits

Well, I came home from class tonight and it was a very intense class as we discussed our critiques, and we discussed our upcoming big project. It is very difficult to turn the mind off when I get home. So, I thought I would look through the card kits I made back in the fall, and put some of them together. Essentially I had the items i all wanted to use to make one particular card into a ziploc bag. I pull it out, and arrange it into the look and feel that I have at the momment. And Voila... this is what I came up with. But looking at the time now, I better get to bed!







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Rachel I love that first card so much I may have to try somethin close
p.s. I deleted my first post cause I know your profession and I made a big spelling booboo :)
Cindye Wile said…
WOW .... those are fabulous. You must have made some awesome kits.