First Week and New Graduate Orientation

Well, I survived my first week back at school. It took some time getting back into a routine, but I think I have finally managed my routine. I received my new students on Friday. I am so excited about my new class, I love them already. We played a little true or false game. It was so fun when I asked the students whether it was true or false that I earned a bronze metal in speed rock climbing. The students all said false, and when I told them that it was true and I showed them my medal they all clapped for me! It was great! They are learning fast how they can be a teacher pleaser. But, rest aside I was exhausted by Friday night rolled around. I met some friends after work for dinner and drinks, went rollerblading, and played a bit of tennis. Trying to enjoy my freetime before my Master's program starts on Monday.

I attended my Masters Orientation today. It was from 10:00 to 2:00, and boy was it difficult to be inside on such a beautiful day. But, it was worth getting some useful information, and I thought it was great that we were provided lunch. That is one thing that education was good at, was that we always get well fed. I met a few of the students from my course. They come from a variety of backgrounds, which will help you keep this cohort very interesting. So, on to new beginnings on Monday night, as I wil officially be a graduate student attending classes.

As for now, I am looking forward to getting outdoors to enjoy the weather!
