Demonstration Teacher

Well, this week has been a very busy week! I can't believe that it will actually be Friday. I initially felt like Friday was never going to come, but some how it has almost arrived. Sunday started with me attending a conference all about reading in my school district. I was up early Sunday morning at about 7:30a.m and didn't get home until 5:00pm. So, let's just say it was a busy day. However, it was a good one else well. Lots of learning in great workshop sessions. Monday, I was in a collegues classroom and together we were demonstrating the process to teachers who are new to this way of teaching reading and writing. However, at the same time we were also asking many different questions to the teachers. Monday afternoon Emily and I answered more questions about what the teachers observed. Then finally on Tuesday morning we demonstrated again together. This was quite the big risk because I was in a teachers class with students I have never worked with and working side by side with a teacher in front of teachers who paid a lot of money for the conference. However, it all worked out in the end and we had tons of positive feedback from all the different teachers that came into our demonstration class! But, this intensity at the beginning of the week as tired me out, and I am looking forward to a restful weekend!
