Procrastination and Report Cards

Report Card season has fast approached me and I am starting my first session today!. However, you can see at the momment that I am somewhat procrastinating.I had plans to work on them on Friday Night. But, my friend Debbie and I ended hanging out until about 9:00 after work chatting and procrastinating together. But, we justified it as we needed the real break for today's big session. I went to bed quite early for a Friday night, so now I am sitting at my computer ready to begin. I am just waiting for the tea to boil and then I will start. (Ooops, getting a little toooo detailed there, but part if it really stems from the procrasination on my part. I have a whole plan of attack and hopefully this will get me all prepared and have them completed before Spring Break, so I can coast into Spring Break all relaxed in the Sunshine!


 Student Behaviour
 Emotional and Social Development
 Physical Education
 Science
 Computers
 Ways to Support Learning

MONDAY to FRIDAY March 5th to March 9th, 2007
 Look over Book Club
 Look over Journals
 Look over Literacy Labs
 Mark Math

 Language Arts and Math
 Opening Comment

MONDAY to FRIDAY March 11th to March 16th, 2007
 Completing Any Odds and Ends to Report Cards.
 Proofreading Report Cards.
 Ways to Support Learning

Wish Me Luck as I head into my Office Cocoon! Thank goodness the weather is the pits, as this keeps me motivated!


Anonymous said…
Did you finish off your Saturday list or did your procrastination continue when you had your tea. Keep us the good work and they will be done before you know it.
strawberrygirl said…
Wow are so organized! Make sure you take some time out to relax!