Celebrate Good Times!!!

Well, tonight I can say that I am finally done my report cards! I am getting better at this whole reporting out thing, which is a blessing considering I am at the beginning of my career. My principal had very good things to say about them, as she could tell that I really know my students and said the parents will be able to tell that I really know my students. Julie is a very supportive sister, and she helped me proofread them, so there were very few mistakes that I had to change once my principal checked them over! It was great! It always feels good when the sets are completed and out of my mind, as I can move on to better things.

I am very eager to get back at making things in my craft space! I have been very tempted to work on christmas projects as I use the same room for my report cards. But, I resisted the temptation!!!

This week is a very busy week ahead of me. Tuesday night, I am going to my friend Frances's Choir Concert in Richmond. It is a sold out show, so she is very pleased that I am able to go see her and that there were tickets left so that I could go. Wednesday night my Mom and Dad fly in for Christmas and it is my school's Christmas Concert at the Massey Theatre in New Westminster!!! The students are very excited and some how the line dance is coming all together and it is going to look great! Thursday is just a regular work day, but usually a somewhat quiet day considering the students are pretty exhausted from the night before. Finally, Friday our principal is providing lunch for all of for working so hard on our report cards and suriving all the disruptions for preparation for the Christmas Concert! She takes such good care of all of us!

It should be a busy week that will just fly by!


strawberrygirl said…
Hope you have a fun relaxing break Rach:) Looking forward to getting together and going for lunch or something!