Spring Break 2006

Well, I felt like it would never get here! But, it has finally come. I head out to the hot sun of Arizona today at 2:10pm. At this point I can't wait. It felt like it was never gonna get here! It was a little bumpy start, as I went home sick on Thursday afternoon and was sick all day Friday. But, the antibiodics that the Doctor has prescribed, as allowed my Strep Throat to begin healing! Thank goodness because who wants to go on a holiday when you are sick! Well, I have a few last minute things to do to get ready for my trip!

See you all when I get back!


strawberrygirl said…
Have a great time girl:)

Sure, sure, you and Jules go off and get some hot sun, while I am here in the snow and rain..sniff, sniff.
Anonymous said…
Finally here!!! Waited all day to see you in the RAIN. No sun today. Maybe we will make some cards.
Anonymous said…
Hey Rachel, love your site. I can keep up with you without calling all time.
Esters site is
Frans site is
