Playing Catch-Up

I can't believe it has been two weeks since I have posted here on my Blog. I have been very busy it seems lately, but at times have difficulty keeping track of where all my time is going.

In particular, over the last couple of days, I seem to be running late for everything. I have all the intentions of getting to where I need to go, but somehow a minor hitch occurs, and I am late. Now you would think that this may be the case because I am tired and not making sure that I am meeting my New Year's Resolutions. But, "No". I have consistently left at 3:30 since the second week back to school. But, then I have been starting to wonder, if this time change is affecting my schedule at work and then my schedule at home? This is what I will be keeping track of over the next little while, as it seems like the big job at work and at home this week has been playing catch-up with cleaning. Organizing at school, and cleaning and laundry at home. I hope to have this all completed by the end of the weekend, so that I can start all fresh again for a new week.

A new goal that I have added to the Mental Wellness goals for 2006 have been joining a running club. It isn't an official one or anything, but is a group of girls who run here in PoCo. However, I really need more practice, as I was barely able to keep up. We are suppose to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it didn't happen on Thursday, and next Tuesday is Valentine's Day so we are on hold to wait and see what happens there.

It is good to be back bloggin!

