Well, as you read in my previous post my favourite message board server went down for updates at the end of our online crop last weekend! It was terrible! So, all the pictures that I had all ready to go could not be uploaded on Sunday. I know I did leave this to the last momment. I still wanted to post the different projects here, as they were still fun projects to make and were a good "break" from working on my wedding album! The butterfly is from a butterfly swap that I participated in with some friends from the message board. These beautiful butterflies were made by my friend Gloria.
Well, as you read in my previous post my favourite message board server went down for updates at the end of our online crop last weekend! It was terrible! So, all the pictures that I had all ready to go could not be uploaded on Sunday. I know I did leave this to the last momment. I still wanted to post the different projects here, as they were still fun projects to make and were a good "break" from working on my wedding album! The butterfly is from a butterfly swap that I participated in with some friends from the message board. These beautiful butterflies were made by my friend Gloria.